Risorse per la Storia
Section outline
Copertura geografica: Italia
Copertura temporale: 1939- (edizione a stampa); 1996-(edizione online)
Contenuto: Periodici; Monografie; Atti di convegni
La banca dati fornisce il censimento annuale della produzione storiografica pubblicata in Italia, anche in lingua straniera. Le opere in volume (monografie e atti di convegni) sono tratte dalla Bibliografia Nazionale Italiana. La Bibliografia Storica Nazionale copre l'intero spettro cronologico dalla preistoria fino alla storia contemporanea. A partire dallo spoglio relativo alla produzione storiografica del 2000, la BSN è accessibile on line: la banca dati attualmente consultabile riguarda una prima parte dell'intero censimento. -
CEEOL is a leading provider of academic e-journals and e-books in the Humanities and Social Sciences from and about Central and Eastern Europe. In the rapidly changing digital sphere CEEOL is a reliable source of adjusting expertise trusted by scholars, publishers and librarians. Currently, over 600 publishers entrust CEEOL with their high-quality journals and e-books. CEEOL provides scholars, researchers and students with access to a wide range of academic content in a constantly growing, dynamic repository. Currently, CEEOL covers more than 1.100 journals and 350.000 articles. CEEOL offers various services to subscribing institutions and their patrons to make access to its content as easy as possible. Furthermore, CEEOL allows publishers to reach new audiences and promote the scientific achievements of the Eastern European scientific community to a broader readership. Un-affiliated scholars have the possibility to access the repository by creating their personal user account
DYABOLA (acronimo di DYnamical Accumulating DataBase on the Objects and Literature of Archaeology and classical studies) permette l'accesso ad alcuni database tra cui il più importante è l'Archäologische Bibliographie, strumento bibliografico per le ricerche di archeologia e storia del mondo antico. Nati dal catalogo a soggetti delle biblioteche dell'Istituto Germanico di Roma, Francoforte e Madrid rappresentano gli strumenti di riferimento per lo studio, rispettivamente, dell'archeologia classica, della preistoria e protostoria europea e dell'archeologia della Penisola Iberica. Tra le banche dati iconografiche: Datenbank der attischen Grabreliefs des 5. und 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. Census of Antique Art and Architecture Known to the Renaissance Corpus der antiken Denkmäler, die J. J. Winckelmann und seine Zeit kannten. Vastissime raccolte di immagini di oggetti d'arte e monumenti antichi corredate da dettagliatissime schede descrittive e bibliografiche.
Die Datenbank Historische Bibliographie Online umfasst derzeit 358.551 bibliographische Einträge von publizierten Titeln historischer Fachliteratur seit 1990: Monographien, Beiträge aus Zeitschriften und Sammelwerken. Sie wird ergänzt durch das Jahrbuch der historischen Forschung mit 8.758 Einträgen entstehender, noch nicht veröffentlichter Forschungsarbeiten. Die Suchmaske ermöglicht zunächst eine schnelle und einfache Volltextsuche über den Gesamtdatenbestand, die bei Bedarf dann präzisiert werden kann. Weitere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte dem Vorwort und den Benutzungshinweisen. Sie können sekundenschnell jeweils Titelstichworte, Autoren, behandelte Personen und Orte suchen sowie Zeitschriften- und Sammelwerkstitel oder Verlage abfragen – entweder über den Gesamtdatenbestand, oder eingegrenzt auf einzelne Jahrgänge, Gliederungsebenen oder Sachgruppen. Als Ergebnis erhalten Sie übersichtliche Trefferlisten, die Sie ausdrucken, oder in andere Anwendungen exportieren können.
The History of Slovenia – SIstory portal has been established as part of activities carried out by the Research Infrastructure of Slovenian Historiography. The SIstory portal is an online system of Slovenian historiography, which not only enables access to historical content relevant for the study of Slovenian history but also offers the possibility to create research data and use it in a research environment.
The Internet Archive is a 501(c)(3) non-profit library. Founded in 1996, our mission is to provide Universal Access to All Knowledge. We collect published works and make them available in digital formats. We are building a public library that can serve anyone in the world with access to the Internet.
The goal of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek (DDB) is to offer everyone unrestricted access to Germany’s cultural and scientific heritage, that is, access to millions of books, archived items, images, sculptures, pieces of music and other sound documents, as well as films and scores, from all over Germany. As a central, national portal, the DDB is aiming to bring together and network digital content from all of Germany’s cultural and scientific institutions. The DDB should secure Germany’s connectivity and competitiveness in the areas of science, research and education, but also make it possible for anyone to access Germany’s unique cultural heritage and knowledge conveniently via one central point of entry. The fact that this entire wealth of information is now at our fingertips, centrally accessible to anyone who can use a PC workstation with an Internet connection, independent of time and location, constitutes a fundamental improvement to our opportunities in the areas of research, education and the economy.
DPLA connects people to the riches held within America’s libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions. All of the materials found through DPLA—photographs, books, maps, news footage, oral histories, personal letters, museum objects, artwork, government documents, and so much more—are free and immediately available in digital format. The cultural institutions participating in DPLA represent the richness and diversity of America itself, from the smallest local history museum to our nation’s largest cultural institutions. Our core work includes bringing new collections and partners into DPLA, building our technology, and managing projects that further our mission through curation, education, and community building.
Eliohs intende offrire, in versione integrale ed in formato HTML, classici della storiografia moderna, opere di metodologia e di teoria storiografica, testi di erudizione, letteratura di viaggio, letteratura storiografica relativa allo sviluppo della cultura filosofica, scientifica, politica ed economica, documenti biografici relativi alla vita di importanti figure di storici, manuali ed altri scritti che documentino in vario modo l'evoluzione della storiografia in età moderna.
Gallica est la bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France et de ses partenaires. En ligne depuis 1997, elle s’enrichit chaque semaine de milliers de nouveautés et offre aujourd’hui accès à plusieurs millions de documents.
The Hispanic Digital Library is the digital library of the Biblioteca Nacional de España. It provides access free of charge to thousands of digitised documents, including books printed from the 15th to the 19th century, manuscripts, drawings, engravings, pamphlets, posters, photographs, maps, atlases, music scores, historic newspapers and magazines and audio recordings.
The British Newspaper Archive is a partnership between the British Library and findmypast to digitise up to 40 million newspaper pages from the British Library's vast collection over the next 10 years.
Bringing together rare journals printed between c.1685 and 1835, this resource illuminates all aspects of eighteenth-century social, political and literary life. Topics covered are wide-ranging and include colonial life, provincial and rural affairs, the French and American revolutions, reviews of literature and fashion throughout Europe, political debates, and London coffee house gossip and discussion.
Hier finden Sie Digitalisate von Büchern, Handschriften und anderen Medien, die sich physisch im Bestand der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin befinden. Derzeit sind dies insgesamt 127880 Werke.
AMS Historica è la collezione di opere antiche e di pregio di AlmaDL, la biblioteca digitale dell'Alma Mater Studiorum, Università di Bologna. Il progetto ospita le digitalizzazioni di libri, riviste, mappe, disegni di interesse scientifico, storico e culturale conservati presso le biblioteche e gli archivi dell'Università. Attraverso un unico punto di accesso, AMS Historica intende offrire all'utente della rete (sia esso studente, professore, ricercatore o semplice appassionato) la possibilità di consultare documenti unici o di difficile reperibilità, legati alla storia dell'Università e della città che la ospita. Il progetto propone un'ampia gamma tipologica e tematica di contenuti digitali che testimoniano la ricchezza del patrimonio documentario dell'Università nei suoi molteplici aspetti: scientifici, culturali, storici, artistici.
South Seas is an online information resource for the history of European voyaging and cross-cultural encounters in the Pacific between 1760 and 1800. What you are exploring is the first phase of South Seas, which is focused on James Cook’s momentous first voyage of discovery of 1768-1771. South Seas offers the full text of the holograph manuscript of James Cook’s Endeavour Journal held by the National Library of Australia, together with the full texts of the journals kept by Joseph Banks and Sydney Parkinson on the voyage. You will also find the text of all three volumes of John Hawkesworth’s Account of the Voyages undertaken...in the Southern Hemisphere...(1773). Volumes two and three of this work are an account of the Endeavour voyage fashioned by Hawkesworth from Cook's and Banks's journals.
Il progetto, nato dalla collaborazione tra l'Istituto di Studi sul Rinascimento e Signum - Centro di ricerche informatiche per le discipline umanistiche della Scuola Normale di Pisa, è sostenuto da finanziamenti del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali e della Fondazione del Monte dei Paschi di Siena, e si avvale della collaborazione del Department of History della Harvard University. Lo scopo è quello di orientare ricerche filosofiche, storiche, storico-artistiche, filologiche alla costituzione di una biblioteca virtuale on line, capace di offrire testi rari nelle edizioni e traduzioni più significative, rese consultabili da adeguati sistemi informatici, garanti di ricerche a vari livelli.
L'applicazione dei Periodici Italiani Digitalizzati rende disponibili, per la consultazione in linea, una banca dati di 117 testate, per un totale di 785.321 immagini, possedute dalla Biblioteca e pubblicate tra il XVIII e i primi decenni del XX secolo.
Si tratta di una importante realizzazione che, da un lato, risponde alle esigenze della salvaguardia del materiale e dall'altro, attraverso l'impiego della tecnologia digitale, consente una più ampia fruizione, grazie alla consultazione da remoto dei testi. -
The purpose of this website is to encourage and enable the use of 19th Century British pamphlets. It holds resources created by large cataloguing and digitisation projects, which are briefly summarised below. If you would like to discuss this site or its content with someone, please use the contact details to the right of this page.
Cataloguing project: 19th Century Pamphlets (1999-2002)
This project was led by the University of Birmingham, sponsored by the Consortium of Research Libraries in the British Isles (CURL, now called RLUK), and funded under the Research Libraries Support Programme (RLSP).
It created catalogue records for nearly 180,000 pamphlets held within 21 UK research libraries. In the past, libraries seldom catalogued their individual pamphlets – typically binding them together within volumes and giving them a single catalogue entry, if any. By creating separate records, the 19th Century Pamphlets cataloguing project opened up pamphlets for researchers.
In addition to the catalogue records, the project created an online Pamphlets Guide, describing each of the collections it had catalogued. This guide has been incorporated within the Collections section of this website. Further documentation relating to the cataloguing project is available via the links to the right of this page.
The indexing and, more broadly, the entire work done on the Fuggerzeitungen has been funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (Projekt P 23080-G18) under the direction of PD Dr. Katrin Keller. The project has started in March 2011 and will last until February 2015. The project is hosted by the Austrian Institute of Historical Research (IÖG) and has been pursued in cooperation with the Department of Manuscripts and Old Prints of the Austrian National Library in Vienna.
The project team has been made up by Dr. Katrin Keller, Dr. Paola Molino, and until February 2013 by MMag. Nikolaus Schobesberger, who is also the author of the geographical maps to be found under Materialien
The identification of all people and places quoted in the Fuggerzeitungen has started already during the indexing of the newsletters. Approximately 10.000 people and 5.500 places had been already identified when the project team completed the access register in Autumn 2012. -
The Online Catasto is a World Wide Web searchable database of tax information for the city of Florence in 1427-29 (c. 10,000 records). It is based on David Herlihy and Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Principal Investigators, Census and Property Survey of Florentine Dominions in the Province of Tuscany, 1427-1480.
London Lives makes available, in a fully digitised and searchable form, a wide range of primary sources about eighteenth-century London, with a particular focus on plebeian Londoners. This resource includes over 240,000 manuscript and printed pages from eight London archives and is supplemented by fifteen datasets created by other projects. It provides access to historical records containing over 3.35 million name instances. Facilities are provided to allow users to link together records relating to the same individual, and to compile biographies of the best documented individuals.
The British Library now owns some 5,000 items from the 'Evanion' collection, originally purchased by the British Museum in 1895. They include many colourful posters and handbills produced as publicity for the various entertainments staged in music halls and theatres, as well as for exhibitions, circuses and other popular events. Trade catalogues, price lists and advertising materials that were once in general circulation reflect both the necessities and the aspirations of contemporary life.
The John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera is one of the largest and most important collections of printed ephemera in the world. It offers a fresh view of British history through primary, uninterpreted printed documents which, produced for short-term use, have survived by chance, including advertisements, handbills, playbills and programmes, menus, greetings cards, posters, postcards.
The Collection is strongest in the 18th to early 20th centuries but also contains earlier material. Physically arranged in some 700 subject headings, it is searchable in myriad ways through detailed cataloguing, selective OCR and digitisation.
The John Johnson Collection is one of the Special Collections of the Bodleian Library and is consulted in the Weston Library.
Connected Histories brings together a range of digital resources related to early modern and nineteenth century Britain with a single federated search that allows sophisticated searching of names, places and dates, as well as the ability to save, connect and share resources within a personal workspace.
The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database has information on almost 36,000 slaving voyages that forcibly embarked over 10 million Africans for transport to the Americas between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. The actual number is estimated to have been as high as 12.5 million. The database and the separate estimates interface offer researchers, students and the general public a chance to rediscover the reality of one of the largest forced movements of peoples in world history.
CROMOHS is a peer-reviewed, open-access electronic history journal published in English, and over the last two decades has established a solid reputation for scholarly rigour. With a marked international outlook, it aims to encourage methodological debate arising from original and creative dialogue between scholarly traditions, and to promote innovative approaches to archival research.
CROMOHS acts as a focal point and forum for challenging and fresh scholarshipon fourteenth- to nineteenth-century intellectual and cultural history in a global perspective.
CROMOHS welcomes theoretically informed work from a range of historical, cultural and social domains that interrogate cross-cultural and connected histories, intersecting the history of knowledge, emotions, religious beliefs, ethnography, cartography, the environment, material culture and the arts.
CROMOHS publishes only in English. Other than in exceptional circumstances, contributors for whom English is not a native language are expected to be responsible for translation. All submitted manuscripts must be original contributions that have never been published before (in any language), and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Piattaforma full text di Casalini Libri mette a disposizione più di 430.000 contenuti digitali, 31.000 e-book e 900 riviste di 220 case editrici italiane, spagnole, francesi e portoghesi.
H-Net is an international interdisciplinary organization of scholars and teachers dedicated to developing the enormous educational potential of the Internet and the World Wide Web. Our edited networks publish peer reviewed essays, multimedia materials, and discussion for colleagues and the interested public. The computing heart and main office of H-Net resides at the History Department, Michigan State University, but H-Net officers, editors and subscribers come from all over the globe.
Stmoderna ha due finalità strettamente connesse. Intende offrire agli studiosi che praticano la storia moderna o discipline che si collocano in questo settore alcuni strumenti primari di informazione e di orientamento. Vuole aprire in questo modo una possibile via di comunicazione e di scambio tra gli addetti ai lavori.
Versione elettronica del celebre repertorio sul Medioevo.
Oltre 36.700 voci riguardanti i vari aspetti (storia,
filosofia, arte, diritto, economia) del Medioevo in
Europa, Medio Oriente e Nord Africa, dal 300 al 1500. -
I Monumenta Germaniae Historica (frequentemente abbreviati MGH nelle bibliografie e negli elenchi di fonti) sono una serie completa di fonti per lo studio dei popoli germanici e, più ampiamente, dell'Europa; comprendono un periodo di tempo che va dalla caduta dell'Impero romano d'Occidente al XVI secolo circa. Queste fonti non si riferiscono tanto alla storia della Germania (che tra il VI e il XVI secolo ancora non esisteva come nazione), quanto piuttosto ai popoli germanici e ai regni romano-barbarici sorti alla caduta dell'Impero romano d'Occidente.
Reti Medievali è un'iniziativa scientifica avviata nel 1998 da un gruppo di studiosi appartenenti alle Università di Firenze, Napoli, Palermo, Venezia e Verona, per rispondere al disagio provocato dalla frammentazione dei linguaggi storiografici e degli oggetti di ricerca. Dal 2001 la redazione si è allargata a studiosi di altri atenei, italiani e stranieri.
BHA e RILA sono due banche dati citazionali sulla storia dell'arte occidentale dall'antichità ai giorni nostri. Le fonti sono circa 1200 riviste del settore. Esse sono cronologicamente giustapposte nonché integrate in un unico strumento con i seguenti repertori: Répertoire d’Art et d’Archéologie (RAA), Répertoire d’Art et d’Archéologie (RAA), International Bibliography of Art (IBA). In tal modo la copertura temporale di pubblicazione va dal 1910 al presente.
È una banca dati della letteratura accademica sull'arte occidentale, da riviste e monografie, tra le quali anche cataloghi di mostre, conference proceedings. Include studi sull’arte visuale, e quindi pittura, scultura, disegno, architettura, video, installazioni, new media, arti decorative, arti applicate, nonché studi museali e di conservazione. Geograficamente vengono trattate le opere di provenienza europea dall’antichità ad oggi, nord-americana dall’era coloniale ad oggi, e mondiale dal 1945 ad oggi.
MIRABILE rappresenta l'offerta di risorse digitali della SISMEL e della FEF; in esso si trovano sede anche ricerche promosse da altre istituzioni con le quali i due enti collaborano a vario titolo. MIRABILE mette a disposizione una serie di strumenti per la ricerca integrata: nei data-base di alcune delle ricerche promosse, nell'ambito degli studi medievistici, dai due enti e dai loro partner nel corso di vari decenni; nella versione elettronica delle riviste e delle opere miscellanea pubblicate per entrambi dalla SISMEL. Edizioni del Galluzzo